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School in the Woods Montessori Pre-Kindergarten is a full day. Children must be in their second full year of attendance in a Montessori 3-6 classroom.


Full days in the classroom give children longer periods of time to complete more advanced work. Pre-Kindergarten children spend a half day in a classroom with their same-age peers, which allows them to participate in special, Pre-Kindergarten-only activities.  They spend the other half of the day in a mixed-age Preschool classroom, giving them the opportunity to act as mentors and role models to younger children.


Pre-Kindergarten children spend the hour between classes eating lunch together and listening to a teacher read a chapter book aloud while they are given the opportunity to rest for 30 minutes.



4 years to 6 years (as of September 1)


All Day: 8:15am-3:15pm


Number of Days
5 days a week (Monday through Friday)

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